Here is a latest collection of sexy full open boobs. We know all men love Busty girls and it is a proven fact therefore all girls look for Big Breasts.The shape of the breasts is naturally determined by the support of the suspensory Cooper's ligaments,the underlying muscle and bone structures of the chest,and the skin envelope.The suspensory ligaments sustain the breast from the clavicle (collarbone) and the clavico-pectoral fascia (collarbone and chest),by traversing and encompassing the fat and milk-gland tissues,the breast is positioned,affixed to,and supported upon the chest wall,while its shape is established and maintained by the skin envelope.Check This Big Breast picture below.
In European pre-historic societies,sculptures of female figures with pronounced or highly Big breasts were common.A typical example is the so-called Venus of Willendorf,one of many Paleolithic Venus figurines with ample hips and bosom.
This sexy girl is looking awesome with Big Breast Size and shape of her breasts is also very nice.Every woman would like to get such breast.

Every boy would like to roll his hands on such beautiful big boobs and please his emotion with the softness of these hot muscles.
When we are talking about big Breasts we can't miss out the other sexiest body feature,Big Ass.This girl is extremely sexy with a nice Big Ass.
When talking about Breast Shape and Size,We can't Forget Desi Girl Boobs.Pakistani Girl Showing Breasts here.Share your comments about these Pictures of Breast Shape and Size.

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